Gillian Walnes Perry

Gillian Walnes Perry was the co-founder and long-time Executive Director of the Anne Frank Trust UK, the British partner organization of the Anne Frank House. Gillian founded the Trust in 1990, along with family and friends of Mr. Otto Frank. The educational charity grew to have a large staff delivering its programs throughout the UK, and has been recognised at the highest level of government. Since her retirement as the Trust’s CEO in 2016, Gillian now writes and lectures on a range of social history topics, in the UK, the USA and other parts of the world. She has spoken at the United Nations in New York, 10 Downing Street and the Clinton Presidential Center in Little Rock, Arkansas. Her first book, ‘The Legacy of Anne Frank’ was published in 2018, and she also writes Holocaust teaching resources, and is the Chair of Israel Bonds Women’s Division in the UK. In 2010, Gillian was awarded an MBE (Membership of the Most

Excellent Order of the British Empire) by Her Majesty the late Queen Elizabeth II for her work in education. She has won several other prestigious awards and there is a day named for her in the city of Los Altos, California, in honor of her educational work. She is based in London but visits the US regularly as her son and his family live near Santa Cruz.

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